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Situated on Malolo island and close to Tavarua & Namotu Islands world-class surfing points, just 10-15 minutes away by boat!


Surf points are Wilkes, Desperation, Restaurants, Swimming Pools, the world famous Cloud Break and Namotu Left.


In Fiji, good surfing points are reef breaks, and to most of the surfing points you have to go by boat in Fiji.


Daily Fiji surfing trips by boat is available. 

Surf trips normally depart early in the morning in Fiji.


Daily surfing trips duration normally between 2 to 4 hr... so surf till you drop.


Boat fee is from F$70 - 150 per person per trip depending on boat owner and operator you can discuss with them yourselves. There are several surfing boat operators in Malolo island. We do not own the boat and we do not get in the middle of operators and guest. Guest decide who they use and price they want to pay.


Surf board rental is from F$50 per day, depending on company or operator we reccommend bring your own surf board. Surf Board Rent not reliable so please bring your own that is the best.

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